Building Surveying -- lets dig into it! | FOTL
Buildings need to be up to code... who checks them?
Solicitor Apprenticeships exist... | FOTL E8
What exactly is a solicitor apprentice? How does it differ from the traditional route?
FOTL E5 | What Engineering taught 50 years ago?
This episode looks at the landscape when apprenticeships were last standardized!
FOTL E4 | A busy schedule plus an apprenticeship? How is that possible?
Who knew.. you can do an apprenticeship much later in your career?!
FOTL Episode 3 | This one is about economics at the Bank of England
The Bank of England offers training from really early on?
FOTL Episode 2 | That one with computers and being a network engineering apprentice
Episode 2 is here! This one talks about working in the Telecommunications Field and some of challenges in an industry with really old kit!
FOTL Episode 1 | That one about training to be a Paediatric Nurse
Welcome to the Series! The first episode is about working in the medical field, specifically with a focus on Nursing!
A Careers Newsletter Interview
This was written for a careers newsletter for a school. It was published in Oct 2022 and was written in May 2022.