FOTL E5 | What Engineering taught 50 years ago? | Harvey Church's Log

Harvey Church's Log

FOTL E5 | What Engineering taught 50 years ago?

Onwards and Upwards

There are a few more episodes in the backlog! Next week i’ll be speaking to James Hancock, a production runner who talks to me about the affect of Covid-19 on their scheme.

Hopefully listening to all this is enjoyable (However listens to it them!) Foot on the Ladder (FOTL) is entirely a hobby project, so who knows how long I’ll gone on for.

Who did I speak to?

This week I speak to Jim Cameron. He trained as a an Engineer over 50 years ago at Vickers (which was brought by BAE Systems in approximately 2004).

The discussion covers what it was like to do an apprenticeship at that time, the role the training played in his later life working with the ISO Technical Committee for chain, his redundancy and later move into sales. He also has kept the tools he made and said he still uses the hammer he made.

Where can this be found?!

You can find the show online: