FOTL E4 | A busy schedule plus an apprenticeship? How is that possible? | Harvey Church's Log

Harvey Church's Log

FOTL E4 | A busy schedule plus an apprenticeship? How is that possible?

Backlog and Christmas

I totally didn’t forget to schedule this – imagine that.

I have 5 episodes in the backlog now! I just need to… get on and edit them!

There will be a 1 week break over Christmas, with no content released on the XMAS week, with the next episode release on either the Monday or Wednesday in Jan.

Who did I speak to?

I spoke to Lalita Taylor this week! She is a Senior Executive Producer on the BBC Academy Fusion Project (listen to find out what this is!)

She covers her role, what she has needed to change to make the apprenticeship work, and mostly importantly, why now – some of the considerations and what she wants to get from it.

If that tickles your fancy – take a listen to the Episode: A busy schedule plus an apprenticeship? How is that possible?

Where can this be found?!

You can find the show online: