Building Surveying -- lets dig into it! | FOTL | Harvey Church's Log

Harvey Church's Log

Building Surveying -- lets dig into it! | FOTL

Talking to schools

Something I’ve always wanted to do more of… is talk to students! I have been trying – if unofficially and in no real contract, do this once a month.

Success has been a bit patchy, but if we apply the rule of averages – I have then managed to do my fair share for this year and am covered til about mid-june?

If this isn’t rule and is not how it works, then I will try harder!

Who did I speak to?

David Browne - A building survyering apprentice based in the West Midlands.

David works for Bailey Garner, who mainly focus on consulting for the education building market (if that is even the right phrase!)

We discuss:

  • What it actually means to be a Building Surveyor
  • Getting more people into the industry
  • My in ability to pronounce basic words
  • The goal of his apprenticeship being accreditation, not a degree

If this sounds like the sort of thing you want to shovel into your brain..

Where can this be found?!

You can find the show online: