FOTL E6 | Meeting Rylan? Freelance and an Apprenticeship as a Production Runner. | Harvey Church's Log

Harvey Church's Log

FOTL E6 | Meeting Rylan? Freelance and an Apprenticeship as a Production Runner.

The rules for editing

I tend to ask the following talking points across all the interviews:

  • What’s you’re current job?
  • Explain some of the path that led to your current role?
  • What was school like? What were the discussed careers?

Hopefully this leads to a wider range of topics coming up, and truly understanding how someone got their foot on the ladder…

Who did I speak to?

This week I speak to James Hancock. They are former BBC Apprentice and current freelance Production Runner. We talk about the affect of COVID-19 on their plans for a career, some of the amazing opportunities their BBC scheme gave him and what he wish he knew earlier on when it came to pay and expectations from contracts.

Where can this be found?!

You can find the show online: